A new government next week is an exciting proposition for all but Labour voters because it will mean change. The Green and Maori Party supporters will be hoping for a Labour led government that they will have far more influence on and will … [Read more...]
What He Waka Eke Noa has got wrong Part 2
He Waka Eke Noa (HWEN ) is a proposed pricing scheme for livestock emissions. This is a four-part series explaining the big four mistakes it makes and what it needs to do to fix these. Part 1 HWEN misunderstands the science of methane … [Read more...]
The jury is in: Report Confirms Livestock emissions of methane are not causing global warming.
Pastural Farming Climate Research Inc was incorporated in 2009 to; Represent farmers’ interests by highlighting the many discrepancies and misinformation used in reports about the role livestock play in global warming To fund research to … [Read more...]