An informal group who describe themselves as farming leaders have issued a joint statement committing themselves to the Government’s goal of net zero emissions by 2050. They include Federated Farmers, Dairy NZ, Beef and Lamb, Fonterra Shareholders … [Read more...]
NZ Herald article by Robin Grieve
The New Zealand Herald published an article I wrote in response to statements made during the Paris Climate talks by our world leaders and some opinion piece writers that were inaccurate. While the article was primarily for that purpose I did manage … [Read more...]
Language changing over livestock emissions.
The Government has taken livestock emissions out of the ETS review for later this year. The ETS is an absolute joke so there will be plenty to review including the dodgy forestry credits NZ foresters sell, without the contentious issue of … [Read more...]
Latest NZ Greenhouse Gas Inventory, DCD and all that
We are still here, I know I have not posted for a while but how many times can you keep saying a truth and have it ignored by the people in Government who should themselves be seeking it? The politics of global warming are such that there is no place … [Read more...]
Ministry for the Environment and Ministry for Primary Industries finally acknowledge a difference between methane emissions and emissions of other greenhouse gases.
In a briefing paper the two Ministries prepared for the Finance and Expenditure Committee they say when referring to the threat of methane release from permafrost. “Methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 but has a much shorter … [Read more...]
More & More Questions over Methane's role in Atmosphere
While waiting to speak to Pastural Farming’s submission to the Finance & Expenditure Committee I listened to a submission by a scientist Rob Caithness on methane. He was submitting as a private individual. The basis of his submission is that … [Read more...]
Methane not 21 times more potent than CO2 after all
Quite a lot to report on with Dr Wilson Flood throwing a spanner in the works. He is a Doctor of Chemistry from the UK. I will report more on this later. A quick précis is that the premise that methane is a greenhouse gas 21 times more effective than … [Read more...]
Livestock emissions continue to track downwards
Livestock emissions continue to track downwards, according to the just released New Zealand’s greenhouse gas inventory update for 2009. I loathe giving these CO2equivalents any credibility as a unit by using them but that is how methane and nitrous … [Read more...]
Who is Dairy NZ working for really?
Landcare Research scientist joins Dairy NZ scientist in being unable to clarify their confused and contradictory positions. Scientists from both organisations maintain that methane from a steady source does not result in an increase in the … [Read more...]
Email campaign, John Key needs to be told.
John Key believes there is not much opposition by farmers to the ETS. He said this on the radio news after it was reported he got a roasting at the Federated Farmers conference. It is hard to believe he means this, and it is hard to believe any … [Read more...]